The Midrealm, is the third oldest kingdom in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). Properly known as the Middle Kingdom, it consists of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, part of Kentucky, a nip of Iowa, and a bit of Ontario.
Midrealm is getting a new look September 29
We are migrating to new hardware the evening of September 28. In preparation to the move, we need to migrate information starting September 24. Changes made after September 24 will need to be reentered in the new system.
New to the SCA?
- New Member Contact Officer (Newcomer's Liaison)
- Need to find a local SCA branch?
- SCA - Resources and Information for Newcomers
- SCA Newcomer's Portal - General overview of the SCA
Important Documents
What's Going On
Who's Who
- Their Royal Majesties Alric and Katherine
- Their Royal Highnesses A'kos and Bella
- Territorial Barons & Baronesses of the Midrealm
- Curia Regis
Peerage Orders
- Middle Kingdom Order of Chivalry
- Middle Kingdom Order of the Laurel
- Middle Kingdom Order of the Pelican
- Middle Kingdom Order of Defence
- Middle Kingdom Order of the Rose and Viscounty
What's Where
- Map of the Midrealm
- Middle Kingdom Order of Precedence
- Squires of the Midrealm
- Ask A Peer
- MiddleWiki - (Midrealm Encyclopedia)
- Anno Societatus conversion chart
The Known World Handbook is now available!
Whether you are a newcomer or a peer, the Known World Handbook is THE quintessential, must-have compendium for anyone interested or already taking part in the SCA. This latest edition has been reworked from the ground up for the SCA of today. Order TODAY; only $25 per copy!
We're pleased to offer a discount program for group orders too! Order 10 to 19 copies, and the per-copy price drops to $23 per handbook; for quantities of 20 or more, the per-copy price drops to $22. The Known World Handbook is a perfect resource for local groups to have on hand to give out and share with newcomers.
To order, visit the SCA Stock Clerk website, mail your order to SCA Stock Clerk, P.O. Box 360789, Milpitas,CA 95036-0789, or fax your order and credit card information to 408-263-0641.
Award Recommendations
Chartered Guilds
- Midrealm Reference Guide
- Midrealm Origins
- Regalia of the Middle Kingdom link has been moved to the Kingdom Exchequer's page.