Máistreacht Una Wynifreed Berry
(Denise Fraze Weible)
1545 Oakland Park Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43224
614-735-8104 (No later than 10:00 EST)

Office of the Minister of Arts & Sciences

Máistreacht Una Wynifreed Berry
(Denise Fraze Weible)
1545 Oakland Park Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43224
614-735-8104 (No later than 10:00 EST)
kmoas [at] midrealm [dot] org
Máistreacht Una Wynifreed Berry


MOAS Training Classes

This class will go over how to report, finding venues to display or compete in the Middle Kingdom, things to do to encourage A&S in your group, things to do to encourage A&S during an event, resources, and A&S stuff society wide. Attendence is required for all Ministers of Arts and Sciences, but anyone may attend. It is an hour long.

September 22 Haunted Tower Oaken
September 29 Fall Coronation Pentamere
October 3-5 Clown Tourney Constellation
October 13 Red Dragon Oaken
October 20 Fall Crown Tourney
November 3 All Soles Midlands
November 9-11 Crystal Ball Midlands
November 17 Fall RUM Oaken
December 1 Christmas Tourney Oaken

Largesse Display at Coronation

Their Royal Highnesses of the Middle Kingdom, A'kos and Bella will host a display of the largesse given by the people of the Midrealm at their Coronation on September 29 in the Canton of Wealdlake & Barony of Roaring Wastes. If you would like to donate, Their Highnesses would appreciate small tokens that could be given out for any number of reasons, including small cups, rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.

More specifically, They are looking for tokens that have the feel of being Magyar in origin, such as simple metal shank buttons and coins. Mistress Asalah al-Hina has more specific information on these if there is anyone interested in creating such a token.You can contact her at

They would also appreciate award tokens and circlets. You can sign up for the Largess Donation Display here.

A&S Contest: A Distant Mirror

Hold a mirror to an ancient object and bring it to life. Create a piece of history that looks, tastes, or sounds as if it came from a time in the distant mirror. Use a picture, illumination, or written description as your inspiration. The goal is the appearance of a brand new thing. Judging will be based on appearance, taste, or sound. What to use and how you created your piece will not be considered in the judging. Your written requirements will be to complete a form that asks who, what, when, where and the picture or a copy (photocopies are fine) of the written source.

You can register and document your entry for A Distant Mirror here.

The Royal University of the MidRealm is Approaching!

On November 17, Fall RUM is scheduled to be held in the shire of Grenmere. Find out more information about the RUM here.

Regional Middle Kingdom Craftsperson Display

The Middle Kingdom Craftsperson Faire is a venue for artists at any level of development to display their work and discuss how to create similar items. The MKCF is a venue for displaying current A&S projects, reproductions of period artifacts, or to discuss and display “a body of work.” Documentation is not required. The entrant's name, address and other such information may appear on the flyer. Many artisans like to remain with their entry to discuss how the entry was made. The MKCF is an excellent venue for artists at any level of development. It is not a competition so the atmosphere is different from the A & S Faire.

There will be a Craftspersons Display at Christmas Tourney, December 1, in the Barony of the Flame.

The Middle Kingdom A&S Faire

Arts & Sciences Faire Entrant / Judge Registration
New A&S Rules In Full
General Rules for Participation in the Middle Kingdom Arts and Sciences Faire
The New Critera.
Plagiarism Policy

MoAS Deputies

Drop Dead Deputy
Master Milesent Vibert
(Grace Vibbert)
grace [at] case [dot] edu
1760 East 238th Street
Euclid, OH 44117
Tel: 216-383-8309

Special Deputy/ A and S Database
Master Vorlin o’r Gwug
(Gary Shurgin)
gary {at} yahoo {dot} com
Email for postal address.

Tallyroom Coordinator
Briana Morgan of the Valley
(Kenda McCormack)
Trcdep [at] midrealm [dot] org
* Email for postal address.

Deputy of Judges Education
Mistress Stasi
(Carole Mccallister)
80 E Kelso Columbus, Ohio 43202
anastasia [at] ameritech [dot] net

Deputy of Special Projects and Craftsperson's Faire Coordinator
Reinhold von Glier
(David Glier)
David [at] goetta [dot] com
* Email for postal address.

Judges Coordinator
THL Odette D'Amboise
(Paula Ryan)
judges [dot] coordinator [at] midrealm [dot] org
* Email for postal address.

Regalis Universitas Mediterraneae Chancellor
Baroness Eleanor Von Atzinger (Erin Fortney)
ernforney0324 [at] msn [dot] com
* Email for postal address.
See Website for Officers and Deans

Special Deputy for Criteria Review and KMOAS Webminister
Baron Andreas Blacwode
(Drew Nicholson)
criteriadeputy [at] midrealm [dot] org
* Email for postal address.

KMOAS Survey Data Officers
Duchess AnneLyse van Gavere
(Anne Koontz)
ladyannelyse [at] gmail [dot] com
829 Tommy Murphy Rd, Lancaster, KY 40444

THL Kateline Crowe
(Kat Anlage)
katelinecrowe [at] gmail [dot] com
6789 Cypress Bay Dr., Kalamazoo, MI 49009

Deputy KMOAS Coordinator of Arts and Sciences & Martial Activities
Sir Cedric Adolphus
(Luke Casey)
sircedricadolphus [at] gmail [dot] com
* Email for postal address.

Deputy KMOAS Historical Combat Studies
Master Kai Tseng
(Jim Lai) jimcyl [at] gmail [dot] com
* Email for postal address.

Deputy KMOAS Reporting Officer
Lady Evja Haerulfkona
(Rachel Hansen) haerulfskona [at] gmail [dot] com
Tel: 330-416-0205
8063 Jonson Dr., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068

A&S WarPoint General
This position is filled by TRM prior to Pennsic.


A&S Orders

This page last updated 4/9/17.

MoAS Reporting Schedule
Local Groups
(Cantons, Colleges, Shires, etc.):
January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1
Baronial Groups
January 15, April 15, July 15, October 15
Regional MoAS
February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1 (Domesday)
Incipient groups are NOT required to report monthly. All quarterly reports should be sent to your Regional officer. Baronial & Regional officers must get your report. They are there to help keep Kingdom informed of what is going on.
Regional MOAS

North Oaken
Master Milesent Vibert
(Grace Vibbert)
grace [at] case [dot] edu
1760 East 238th Street
Euclid, OH 44117
Tel: 216-383-8309

South Oaken
Honor Von Atzinger
(Becca Casey)
southoaken [dot] moas (at) midrealm [dot] org
(859) 749-0124

* Email for postal address.

Brynn Herleifsson
(CJ Miller)
constellation [dot] moas [at] midrealm [dot] org

* Email for postal address.

THL Eva vanOldeBroek
(Wendy Peacock)
pentamere [dot] moas [at] midrealm [dot] org tel: (616) 784-3175

* Email for postal address.

Mistress Arrienne Ashford
(Marie Schorn)
midlandsmoas {at} gmail {dot} com

* Email for postal address.