
Welcome to the Midrealm Reference Guide. It is a collection of information and stories about all of the reigns of the Middle Kingdom. Each page is a snapshot of a reign, a place to collect data that might otherwise not be seen together. You can see who was on the Curia Regis during any given reign; where and when the Crown Tourney and Coronation took place; who was the King's Champion; who was elevated by whom, and when; who were the Lesser Officers of State, what laws were changed, who were the Arts Champions, and so on.

In creating a collection of this sort, we are depending on sometimes very incomplete records. For example, we have not yet identified more than a very few Royal Champions - who are you out there? Who were the runners-up in the Crown Lists? All additions, corrections, and clarifications will be most gladly included.

Of course, the heart of such a collection is in the stories we collect. We have a small but ambitious collection, which we will be thrilled to expand as stories become available to us. Please, please send us stories, links to web pages, tales of times gone by. Your contributions will be credited (or not, as you wish).

On the horizon is extensively linking pictures into the archive; there are a few already, and we would be happy to include more, either by linking to existing web sites or by direct inclusion into this site.

Finally, this collection is intended to be both entertaining and useful to anyone interested in the Midrealm's illustrious history. If you have suggestions as to how it could be improved, they will be cheerfully considered.

The Introduction to the Reference Guide was most recently updated this 3rd day of September, in the Reign of Valharic and Alys, AS XXXVII (2002).

Catherine Aimée Le Moyne, OP
Web Minister
Midrealm Historian's Office

Meliora Luvedai de Ardescote
Midrealm Historian

Please send comments and corrections to Catherine Aimée Le Moyne, OP

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This is a recognized Web Page for the Historian's Office of the Middle Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The maintainers of this page are Aimée Masquelier Moran and Ree Moorhead Pruehs. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page or its links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version unless otherwise indicated.