Most Noble Orders of
The Chivalry
The Laurel
The Pelican

Ask a Peer

Using this feature is a quick and painless way to get subject-specific guidance and counsel.

  • If you're looking for help with a specific heavy weapons style or other heavy martial arts-related issues, you want to use Ask the Chivalry.

  • If you're looking for assistance with an A&S related issue, use Ask a Laurel. A gentle caveat: if you are seeking help with a Faire entry or documentation, please don't wait until a couple weeks before your Faire! Ask early.

  • If you're interested in service-oriented issues, use Ask a Pelican.

  • If you're interested in what is expected of a Royal Consort, use Ask a Royal Consort.

The Order Secretary will let you know that your inquiry has been forwarded to the respective Peerage email list or to the appropriate specific Peer, and will ask you to check back in a week or two if no one has yet responded. If there is no response or subject-specific Peer in the Middle Kingdom and you have let the Order Secretary know you're still waiting for a response, that individual can then forward your email request to the SCA-wide Peerage email list (where applicable), opening an even larger pool of potential responses to your inquiry.

Each of the three Peerages has a Society-wide e-list that expands the number of peers to which your question can be posed. While each Order Secretary may handle the inquiries a little differently, all the Peers are willing and ready to help you if you ask.

Text for this page provided by Banbharun Siobhan O'Neill, CP, CL