Marshallate Badge
Thrown Weapons Lt. Dominique
(Connie Henry)
5708 No. Old St. Rd 15
Warsaw, IN  46582
(574) 453-2427 evenings

Thrown Weapon Marshal Tabard

The thrown weapon rules state that the thrown weapons MIC should be visible at all times.

For this reason, a tabard has been designed for use at events, practices and whenever else necessary.

The tabard that will be used to show that you are a thrown weapons marshal is basically the same as the archery marshal tabards, only using two axes instead of three pheons. The patterns and a finished tabard are attached.

If you are clever enough, the tabard could be made reversible with archery on one side and tw on the reverse.

Tabard Axe

Click on the picture below for a larger version.
Tabard Directions

Finished Tabard

All Thrown Weapons Marshals Reporting Schedule
June 1 and Dec. 1
NEW Online Report
Regionals Reporting Schedule
Mar 10, June 10, Sept. 10, Dec. 10
NEW Online Report

Matheus MacTavish
(Michael Thompson)
7303 Simmons Creek Rd
Shoals IN 47581

Gareth Thorne
(Gary Hecathorn)
1260 N. Carefree Dr.
E. Peoria, Ill 61611
ph. 309-361-1400

Uthan Laoch
(William Kilpatrick)

Lady Kestral Altara vonBarton
(Nancy Barton)
201 N Walnut St
Mason Mi 48854