This is the June, 2006 Midrealm Letter of Acceptances and Returns.


The following items were forwarded on to Laurel and the College of Arms for their consideration:

Ekka{d.}i G{o-}vindas{a-}ni - Name Change
Gaius Albius Lupus - Name
Kenneth Muntsorell - Device
Kjartan Hakonar son - Name
Léal d'Avignon - Name
Zephaniah ha-Levi - Name and device

The following have benn pended or returned for further work:

Jerome de Breannóc - Name and Device
Kjartan Hakonar son - Device


Disclaimer : This page is not officially sanctioned by the SCA, Inc., the Middle Kingdom, or the College of Arms. It is a private project of the Rouge Scarpe Herald who has based the information published here on publicly available documentation.
These pages are maintained by .
Please contact Edward with any corrections/changes.